May 4, 2007

Did you attend his marriage???

Last week I heard one of my friends make a statement "I'm going to my friend's marriage".

I realise that I've heard this statement a lot of times earlier but had never given much thought to it. Now when I think of it, I wonder how can you attend a person's marriage? :-S You only attend 'the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed', a.k.a, The Wedding.

Marriage on the other hand, is the state of being a married couple. It is a state that is for life (or in our current social setup, until divorce). So how can you attend a person's marriage? Hmmm... I know I will surely attend (or be a part of) only my marriage, not everyone's.

Talking of marriages reminds me of all the groom finding circus happening at home for me. See the guy, talk to him and decide in 5 minutes or may be 15, if he is the person you want to spend your life with. I'm a nincompoop and can't even decide if a shade suits me in, 5 minutes, and now I need to choose a life partner in as much time. All my friends who've found their better halves say, you will just know when it happens. Interesting!!! However, all of them strongly mention that there no bells or sax in the background though. :) Well... Well... Wouldn't that have been something convenient. No hullabaloo about whether it is a right decision or not. :D

Guess, till I actually experience the feeling of "I know you are the person for me" feeling, I'll have to put on hold all my apprehensions and enjoy the moment. Being on an interview panel is not a daily job for me. So I could as well relish the encounters in store, till the finale.

1 comment:

Binu George said...

i found my partner... n my frnds were rite, i did kno when i met him ... but how ??? i have no clue... :) i think it is cos i'd prayed earnestly for it, and God answered those prayers... :)